Make money from your phone!
The most generous
affiliate program
from any new real dog box purchase.
Help people feed real food with the Real Dog Affiliate Program. Our affiliate program is for website owners, video makers, health influencers, bloggers, review sites, and other content creators who want to monetize their content and help people raise healthy dogs.
EARN $7200 IN 1 MONTH!
Secure just 3 sign-ups a day for a month (average revenue per customer: $60) and earn 20% of a six-month total of $7,200.
Once approved, you’ll automatically receive complimentary Wellness Membership benefits with your affiliate account. Experience exactly what our members do. Valued at $22 a month.
Milestone Rewards
Celebrate your achievements through our unique Milestone Program! Where every milestone reached unlocks a new realm of exclusive rewards.
Unique short link
Your referral link is easy to remember, easy to share. No extra /, -, or _ in your unique link. Choose your unique username and start earning.
Love dogs and have an audience?
It doesn't matter what box they signed-up for or how long they continue our service.
Over 5,000 thousands people use Real Dog Box to improve their dogs' lives
We're health conscious dog lovers that believe food is medicine. That we should focus on preventing disease instead of treating it. We’re based in sunny San Diego, California and are on a mission to change the way we feed our dogs.
Frequently asked questions