What is a Real Dog Box Pack Walk?

Our structured community pack walks are great for those of us working on our dog's reactivity or wanting a place to safely socialize!

A safe, structured environment to teach your dog to coexist peacefully with other dogs. Weekly walks between North County & San Diego.

The goal is to create a safe. Stuctured environment for our dogs to feel comfortable in a group/public setting.

Dogs must remain on lead and are not permitted to greet each other during the walk. These walks are about your dog's mindset and their relationship with you.

Tips for joining our pack walks

We want to make sure everyone has a safe and fun time on our pack walks. Please read the following tips before joining us!

No nose to nose interactions
No retractable leashes
Allow for ample space
Start, stop & break as a pack
Respect each other's journey
Product screenshot

Let’s starting walking!

Join us on MEETUP!

You can find our walks: 'San Diego Dog Meetup - #Packwalk

It's an investment for your dog's life.

We will take good care of you! But don’t take our word for it, read what dogs and their owners are saying about us and let us help you feed your dog real food, too!
We craft our food in small batches, air-dry it in one single step, and deliver it fresh.
We guarantee that if your dog doesn’t love a treat, we’ll replace it for free.